Wednesday, May 9, 2012

The BIG Spring Update: Memorial Day Weekend, Youth Fishing Derby, Corcoran Pond Boat Rentals, Summer Program Guide & MORE!

It's been quite a while since our last blog entry...and we've been busy bees putting the finishing touches on Memorial Day Weekend & summer programming.  Whats the old adage?  When it rains....well, this update is going to be a big one, so make yourself comfortable & settle in for the long haul.

Summer is almost here ~ read all about it below!

Spring Climbing Schedule

Spring climbing is well under way, and that means more and more climbers are making their way outdoors to Rumney cliffs & surrounding areas.  This otherwise-quiet, 'climbing gym' time has been the perfect opportunity for us to re-work the routes on the indoor wall; a process that, albeit slow, is ongoing,  in preparation for a busy summer season .  Join us on Saturday afternoons & influence the routes you love to fact, if the day is right, we may even have you help us move holds!

Next on the list:  Community Clean-Up & After School Antics Zip-Line Field Trip

On Friday, May 11, 2012, the Recreation Department, in coordination with The Rey Center, Litter-Free NH & Roper Real Estate is proudly presenting our annual 'Community Clean-Up' (think spring cleaning for the Valley floor).  Volunteers (including our very own WVES students & staff) meet at the Recreation Department at 1 pm to pick-up a route, trash bags & rubber gloves; Return to the Rec at 3 pm for light refreshments & a 'clean-up' gift as a token of our appreciation.  We invite all community members, year-round or seasonal, young or old, to help us beautify our incredible mountain community.  In the event of inclement weather, we will re-schedule for Monday, May 14.

Community Clean-Up & Margret's Hat Garden Club

Margret's Hat Garden Club Re-Invented for Summer 2012!
The Town has 8 flower plots of varying size that are in particular need of some TLC and we are looking for volunteers with a green thumb:  responsibilities include weeding, planting, mulching and general maintenance of your plot throughout the summer & fall.  The Town & Rey Center will provide the plantings, mulch, tools & weekly watering.  Details can be found by clicking the link above or dropping us a line at 236-4695.
Just in case any of our WVES students have energy left to spare following the Community Clean-Up, we are hosting our annual, spring Zip Lining Field Trip on the afternoon of Friday, May 11.  As a special "Thank You" to our area youth for their participation in the clean-up, we have teamed up with Alpine Adventures to zip at a deeply discounted rate ($60 includes transportation, supervision & pizza dinner).  Age & weight restrictions apply, as per Alpine Adventures policy; please see the flyer for more details.  THERE WILL BE NO OTHER AFTER SCHOOL ANTICS OFFERING ON FRIDAY, MAY 11; IF YOU RELYING ON ASA FOR CHILD CARE THIS DAY, PLEASE PRE-REGISTER FOR THE FIELD TRIP.
Ok, so this next one comes to you, courtesy of our friends at Public Safety.  Chris, Dave & the team are offering up another session of the Citizen Public Safety Academy, Wednesday evenings at 6 pm, from May 16 thru June 13.  Learn all about police, fire & EMS operations in the Valley, from our very own hard-working professionals.  Admission is FREE!  Please contact Carina at Town Office, 236-4730, to sign-up!

Up next:  Memorial Day Weekend Programs
Memorial Day Weekend is the gateway to summer programs in the Valley.  Corcroan Pond Boat Rentals open for the 2012 season (see below) & the waterfront is bustling with young anglers trying to catch their glimpse of 'Kirby', the legendary lunker living deep within waters of Corcoran Pond.  We'll have great prizes across 3 age brackets, including our grand prize package:  Kayak & Paddle (you provide the PFD)!  Find a registration form on our website at & sign-up today.  Free event t-shirt to the first 100 registrants; what are you waiting for!

Memorial Day Weekend also celebrates the season opening of Corcoran Pond Boat Rentals.  We'll have our entire fleet on-hand, Saturday, May 26, 2012, including brand-new kayaks & canoes, plus the tandem kayaks & peddle boats you love!  Rentals are scheduled to open directly following the conclusion of the youth fishing derby (approximately 12 pm), & will operate on weekends only until June 23, 2012, when they begin operating 7 days a week thru the summer season (weather permitting).  Grab a copy of the flyer for all the details.
Speaking of water...did someone say Summer Swim Lessons (try saying that 3 times fast)?  Join our very own Water Safety Instructor, Liz, for this 6-week, comprehensive, American Red Cross Swim Lesson course.  Liz will be offering lessons on Tuesdays & Thursdays, by prior appointment.  Please check out the flyer above & feel free to give her a shout at 236-4695 or online at with any questions or to sign up.

Papermill Children's Theatre returns to the Valley for Summer 2012 & we are excited to announce that the weekly offerings will be held at the Recreation Department, on the indoor stage, in our multi-purpose room, rain-or-shine!  Join us for weekly shows on Thursdays, at 10:30 am.  Grab a cop copy of the flyer (above) for details about each week's performance; we hope to see you there!

(ladies & gentlemen, drumroll please)


Summer 2012 Program Guide Now Available ~ Download & Print your copy here!

Summer is quickly approaching & we are excited to unveil our Summer 2012 Program Guide.  This issue is PACKED full of summer camp info, day trips, daily programs, specialty clinics/camp, special events & so much more!  Visit our website (from the link above) & get an e-copy now, even before the guide goes to print!  We hope you are as excited as we are for the upcoming summer season ~ here's to an awesome, fun-filled summer!

Yours in recreation,


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